
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Fashion Friday: Jury Duty

Happy Friday!  Another fun week at camp except this week I couldn't go on Wednesday because I had jury duty... It did give me an opportunity to dress up and pretend to be a fancy business employee working downtown ;-) I've got to be honest with you, what I wear to camp is not blog worthy.  I brought my larger black bag to bring my computer with me to start writing some marching band drill and also to catch up on Netflicks.  My new "How I met your Mother" addiction is running it's course.  

Shoes - Target
Skirt - Target
Top - Loft
Cardigan - J.Crew
Bag - Target
Necklace - Nordstrom Rack

I love a good pencil skirt.  This skirt has a weird fit though and it too big in my waist and looks strange when I tuck shirts into it.  I'd love to have a white button up tucked into the waist if only the skirt fit me there.  Fortunately my professional attire, and general look of business plus my name being called last gave me an advantage and I wasn't called to be a juror on a case.  After a day playing "dress up in the city" I decided I much prefer the unexpected kid filled days that being a music teacher allows.  Sure I'd like to imagine being a business women who takes the metro to work everyday and has a desk job working for any non-profit but after a glimpse into a day full of adults I'll take my kids any day.  Just after writing this post a kindergarten group came in for their class and I had a few run up to me and tell me how much they missed me when I wasn't there on Wednesday.  It's moments like that which make me so happy to be a teacher.

Thanks for reading,

1 comment:

  1. Cute! Brittany -- do you use Polyvore? I love it. Fun way to plan outfits or share OOTD.
