
Friday, July 11, 2014

Fashion Friday: Farmer's Market Find

Happy Friday!  I realized when I was talking to my roommate last night as I took a photo for the blog that this is more a "Fashion" Blog with some music education articles.  That is definitely not my original intention and I'm hoping to write some articles about the songs and games I'm doing with summer camp but I just haven't yet for some reason.  I have a couple started but finishing them up hasn't been very high on the to do list.  My goal is to have a couple for you next week!

Here's an outfit that could work for a warm day at school.  The shirt I found at a Eastern Market and thought it was a fun, not my usual solid color, but still neutral design.  Plus it has pretty silver beading at the top.

Silver Sandals - Nine West
Black Capris - Marshall's
Top - Eastern Market

I tend to have a difficult time finding outfits for really warm days at school.  Especially next year when I'll be teaching pre-school to third grade music and will probably be sitting "criss cross apple sauce" on the floor most days.  This outfit would fit the bill for those days!  

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for reading,

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