
Friday, April 4, 2014

Fashion Friday: Faux-Infinity and Beyond

Happy Friday!  It was Thursday morning when I woke up angry at whoever was calling so early on a “Saturday” when I realized that this was a long week.  Not only is Solo and Ensemble Festival tomorrow but we also have a “Cluster Concert” (concert with the elementary schools, middle schools and high school students) next Wednesday, Spring Break in 1 week, Spring Concerts in May, Six Flags trip, 3rd grade recruiting events in June, and finally 6th grade promotion.  The time is flying by and I’m starting to wonder how much longer I’ll actually have my kids this year!  I guess it’s time to go into operation end of year!  

I’m sure I’m not the only one who, with the long awaited arrival of spring, feels like the concert season has caught up with us and so quick!  I also realize that the past few weeks this has seemed more like a fashion blog and not so much about education however I do have some fun posts planned for next week.  I’ve recently purchased a ukulele and I’ve been pretty sidetracked with that.  

So here’s today’s Fashion Friday!  I wore this to church on a recent warm day.  I’m beyond excited to start ditching the tights and wearing skirts again!

Boots: DSW
Dress: Piperlime
Belt: Target
Jacket: Gap
Scarf: Target? American Eagle? 

By now you’re probably wondering why I called this “Faux-Inifinity and Beyond”.  Well, the scarf is actually not an infinity scarf!  I tied it in a knot and put the knot in the back.  Ta Da!  Infinity scarf.  I’d probably iron it next time so that it doesn’t look as bunched up.  

Have a great weekend!

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