
Monday, March 10, 2014

Teaching Portfolio

*Update - I’ve added another post on some additions to my portfolio!  Check it out HERE*

I've recently found some wonderful pins about professional portfolios and decided that it was time for me to revamp my own.  Hopefully this will be able to help any soon to be college graduates when planning their own!  It's definitely been helpful to have so many pictures to use since I've started the blog.  I recommend taking lots of pictures of your classroom for this reason!

This will be a great way to showcase the work I've done and give evidence to administrators when I'm being observed of the things I do in my class they might not see that day.  It will also be helpful for any future interviews or meetings with principals to have the ability to quickly find photos and documents.

Here is the cover of my portfolio:

I found it at Target and thought it was a fun, inviting pattern.

Inside I designed a cover page that has my phone number, email and includes a photo of myself and students who performed at the solo and ensemble festival last April.

 Next, I included a cover page which is a combination of my cover letter and my teaching philosophy.  It summarizes what I have included in the portfolio and has another photo of myself.

My next section is a snapshot of my classroom management and set-up.  It tells about the different things I am doing in my classrooms to help with behavior and positive reinforcement.
 Following that is a section on differentiation.  I included many ways that I differentiate such as the learning process and class structure, stand partners, my positioning, student interest, visuals, pre and post testing, student ownership and choices, procedure, group making, and karate belts.
 I included a section on recruitment and retention that describes my recruiting process and successes with retention.  I talk about retention both in elementary school but also through to middle and high school.
 The last page of my "classroom" section is on parent communication which talks about my newsletter and information I send home with students.
 Following this section I've included professional certificates, my resume and references, transcripts, praxis scores, lesson plans, evaluations, observations, example of curriculum I've written, awards and programs.  As you can see it's quite full.
 I would still like to include method books that I have both studied and used as well as a repertoire list of pieces that I have performed with my students and performed professionally.  I will also include a score of a piece I arranged.

I also made smaller portfolios in case I need to leave information with anyone or school.  It includes my resume, references, teaching certificate, transcripts, praxis scores and a teaching brochure which summarizes my classroom section, philosophy and cover letter.  It also includes a photo to help put a face to the portfolio.
 I made a few of them…
Hope this helps someone!  What do you do with your professional portfolio?  Is there something I don't include that you do?  I'd love any feedback so feel free to share or leave a comment!

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