
Monday, March 17, 2014

Teaching Portfolio: Update

After getting so much views on my Teaching Portfolio post I decided to add another post about some of the other materials I’ve added since.

The first page I added to my portfolio section is a list of Method books that I have studied or used.  In the interview for my current position I was asked to go into detail about which method books I used in college and in my instrument methods courses, which I had no recollection.  So I went back into my college notebooks and attempted to find the syllabi for those courses and see which methods I used.  I also included books that I use with my band and orchestra as well as any other literature that I’ve studied personally.

The next page I added in addition to my resume, cover letter and list of references.  It’s a list of repertoire that I have performed.  I had to make this for my grad school application and decided that it could be useful to have in my portfolio as well.

 I also included two scores of songs I have arranged for my students, “Drummer Boy Samba” for band and “The James Bond Theme” for strings.

Hopefully this will help anyone as this part could be useful as a graduate school admission portfolios as well.  Feel free to leave a comment on anything you think could be used as well!  

Thanks for reading,

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