
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Music in our Schools Month: Bulletin Board

Finally back at school today after 2 days off because of snow which means I finally had time to put up the music in our schools bulletin board with the help of another music teacher!  Prior to putting up our board we polled the school staff to see who was involved in music growing up or currently.  This gave us our information to make the board!  Here it is in all it’s glory!

We have an orchestra side and a choir side.  They each have all the instruments of the orchestra and the different vocal parts of the choir.

 In the center are cards with different teacher’s names on them with yarn that attaches their name to what they played or sang.  It gets pretty crazy but I’ve noticed the students commenting on the different instruments and using their finger to find out who plays what.
I love hearing the students who can show their friends what instrument they play.  It’s really quite a conversation piece with the students :-)

What are some things that you are doing for Music in our Schools Month?  I may also be making some special presentations on the morning show later this month after the MSA tests have been completed.  I’d love to hear what you have going on in your schools!  Have a great (short) week!

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