
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Note Tweaking 101

Welcome to my new music education blog!

I'm very excited to start blogging again!  This is my third blog (post middle school in the late 90's).  My first blog was about my year living in Geneva, Switzerland as an Aupair which you can visit by clicking HERE.  My second blog was a short lived DIY blog which you can visit by clicking HERE.  This blog will be mostly about my teaching experiences, trials, triumphs and thoughts on the profession.  If you'd like to hear more about me click on the "About me" tab above.

I decided on the name note tweaking while arranging a song for my orchestra.  After listening to "Roar" so many times and attempting to write the cello and viola parts I realized how often I had to "tweak" the notes because I heard it wrong the first few times.  I also like the parallel to how often I tweak what I'm doing with my students to find the best fit for them.  Isn't that life though?

This is my second year teaching at 3 elementary schools about a mile outside of Washington D.C.  My schools vary in size with my smallest school having about 250 students, my second school having about 700 students and my largest school with 900 students.  Each school has a head start program (pre-kindergarten) and goes up to 6th grade.  I teach about 133 beginning students and 62 second or third year students.  It's about the same number of students as my first year but I have about double the number of returning students than my first year.

I teach in a very diverse area at all Title 1 schools.  Our main population is Latino and African American.  Many of the challenges I face are due to the transient nature of the community and finding ways to connect with my students and / or motivate and encourage them.  Once I find that music that sparks them or when they discover their true abilities it can be very rewarding as a teacher.

I'm hoping that this blog will be a great outlet of ideas as well as a source of input from other educators.  Feel free to contact me by sending me an email at

Thanks for reading!

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