
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Fashion Friday: Jury Duty

Happy Friday!  Another fun week at camp except this week I couldn't go on Wednesday because I had jury duty... It did give me an opportunity to dress up and pretend to be a fancy business employee working downtown ;-) I've got to be honest with you, what I wear to camp is not blog worthy.  I brought my larger black bag to bring my computer with me to start writing some marching band drill and also to catch up on Netflicks.  My new "How I met your Mother" addiction is running it's course.  

Shoes - Target
Skirt - Target
Top - Loft
Cardigan - J.Crew
Bag - Target
Necklace - Nordstrom Rack

I love a good pencil skirt.  This skirt has a weird fit though and it too big in my waist and looks strange when I tuck shirts into it.  I'd love to have a white button up tucked into the waist if only the skirt fit me there.  Fortunately my professional attire, and general look of business plus my name being called last gave me an advantage and I wasn't called to be a juror on a case.  After a day playing "dress up in the city" I decided I much prefer the unexpected kid filled days that being a music teacher allows.  Sure I'd like to imagine being a business women who takes the metro to work everyday and has a desk job working for any non-profit but after a glimpse into a day full of adults I'll take my kids any day.  Just after writing this post a kindergarten group came in for their class and I had a few run up to me and tell me how much they missed me when I wasn't there on Wednesday.  It's moments like that which make me so happy to be a teacher.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My Home’s in Montana

My home’s in Montana is a great western folk song in three that I used with rising Kindergarten to Second grade this week at camp.

I found this song on This website originally and used the visual cues to create my own visual cards.  

This song is great to learn new western vocabulary!  I’ll go over what a bandana, spurs, ranges, horseshoe, stirrup and gallop means.  Then once the kids have a general idea of the words I’ll give the cards to students to hold up in the front on the room.  I make them get themselves in order.  After they’re in order we use this Video to sing the song.  When we sing the lyrics on the card a student is holding they’ll hold it up.  After one try we do it again and I encourage the students to sing what their card says by themselves.  Then students pick someone else to do their card.  

Once students have learned the works to the first verse we learn a square dance.  We go over the steps and I draw the directions on the board for where they will step.  They are step - together - rest for each step.
My Home's in Montana Square Dance
Forward together
Right together
Back together
Left together

Sway right
Sway left
Sway right 
Sway left

Forward together
Right together
Back together
Left together

Sway right 
Sway left
Sway right
Spin around

I teach the dance to them individually at first and we try it while singing (2nd Grade and up).  Then I'll have them get with a partner and do the dance.  I had taped square corners on the floor for the younger kids to use.  The one child stands in the top right corner and the other in the bottom left so they are diagonal from each other.  I call this their "happy spot" or the spot they should be at when they finish making the square.  The kindergardeners had difficulty keeping their shoulders square to the front but otherwise they were all excited to learn that they rotated around each other!  

Once they got the dance I added a "merry-go-round" part.  Students would touch their right hands together in the middle and go around one circle stopping on their "happy spot" during the music interludes in between the verses.  

This song turned out to be a lot of fun for the kids while demonstrating phrases, beat, singing melody, and partner dancing.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Fashion Friday: Farmer's Market Find

Happy Friday!  I realized when I was talking to my roommate last night as I took a photo for the blog that this is more a "Fashion" Blog with some music education articles.  That is definitely not my original intention and I'm hoping to write some articles about the songs and games I'm doing with summer camp but I just haven't yet for some reason.  I have a couple started but finishing them up hasn't been very high on the to do list.  My goal is to have a couple for you next week!

Here's an outfit that could work for a warm day at school.  The shirt I found at a Eastern Market and thought it was a fun, not my usual solid color, but still neutral design.  Plus it has pretty silver beading at the top.

Silver Sandals - Nine West
Black Capris - Marshall's
Top - Eastern Market

I tend to have a difficult time finding outfits for really warm days at school.  Especially next year when I'll be teaching pre-school to third grade music and will probably be sitting "criss cross apple sauce" on the floor most days.  This outfit would fit the bill for those days!  

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for reading,

Friday, July 4, 2014

Fashion Friday: Red White and Something Blue

Happy Fourth of July!  Here’s an outfit inspired by the National Holiday!

Shoes: Sperry
Shorts: J. Crew
Shirt: Lucky Brand
Necklace: Unknown
Ribbon: Off a gift box

Hope you’re all celebrating with friends, fireworks and grilled food!  I’m excited to have some new friends over to watch the DC fireworks on my roof.  I’m sure it will be a great show!  

Thanks for reading,

Friday, June 27, 2014

Fashion Friday: Black and Olive Shorts!

Happy Friday!  I found these shorts recently on a trip to Marshall’s, where I’m finding most of my more recent clothes have come from.  I bought them to wear for summer camp since I’m getting a bit too old for my usual athletic shorts and the camp T-shirt ensemble (or maybe I’m not).  Once I got home I realized that I had no idea how to style them so I went onto pinterest for some inspiration.  Here’s the look and it’s inspiration!

Sandals: Bought in a shop in London
Shorts: Express Brand from Marshall’s
Top: Nordstrom Rack
Necklace: David’s Bridal
Watch: Fossil

The necklace was bought when I went to try on wedding dresses and realized I didn’t bring something fancy to wear with the dresses I tried on.  I ended up liking it so much I bought it.  I really like the look!  The shorts are a bit more brown than olive but it still pairs well with the black.  Also, those shoes in my inspiration picture are beautiful but I tend to shy away from heels, because I’m practical, and 5’11”.  I wish I had a tolerance for heels but sadly that will have to be for my next lifetime.  

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I’m back!!

So after a somewhat prolonged hiatus I’m back to the blogosphere! The reason for my un-announced break was because my boyfriend  and I got engaged!

Then I decided to accept a job in Alexandria, Virginia teaching pre-school to third grade general music and elementary / middle school choir!  So a total game changer for next fall!  Instead of being at three schools I’ll be at one working with younger children than the last couple years.  To say that I’m excited is an understatement.  It’s not that I was completely thrilled at the idea of leaving my band and orchestra students it’s more that I’m excited about moving to Virginia next year before the wedding and being in a more convenient area for my fiancee and I.  Plus, I’ll be working at the school that I teach music for summer camp at and the students are so talented and excited about the performing arts!  Each week of summer camp there is a show on Friday that is just the tip of the music and dance iceberg which is unveiled at the end of camp in a “Grand Finale” performance designed and orchestrated by the dance instructor and myself.  It’s a pretty incredible show considering the performers are ages 3 - 13.

I’m so excited to work with such incredible children and staff in a private school setting.  The love and appreciation for the arts at this school is a large part of why I feel so privileged to be working there in the fall.

This position will place a different focus for the blog.  I’ll be putting ideas for general music and choir on here now as well as finding new ways to teach concepts that I didn’t have the time or resources to introduce teaching instrumental music.  In the next few weeks I’ll be going through some of my summer camp activities which are music related activities for ages 3 - 13 that make music a fun part of the day without making the concepts they’re learning realized.

I will also be bringing back the fashion portion of the blog!  Maybe I’ll even do a “Wedding Wednesday” portion as I plan the wedding.  You all know I love a good alliteration! Who knows but I’m excited for the new direction!

Thanks for reading,

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fashion Friday: Preparing for Rain... no, Snow

To say that the weather has been crazy is a bit of an understatement.  Last weekend was beautiful, sunny and perfect for an outdoor barbecue, throwing a football around and celebrating birthdays.  Then monday I decided to wear shorts and a t-shirt and wash my car.  Then came Tuesday and rain / sleet / snow and our flag football game.  Our game started right when it started to snow and ended when it stopped.  One of those “are you kidding me?” moments in life.  Can’t complain too much, I did score a touchdown and we won the game!  

This outfit is the perfect combatant for rain or snow, you know, whichever decides to show up in April.
 Rain Boots: Kamik from DSW
Socks: Purchased in Switzerland somewhere
Black Skinny Jeans: Urban Outfitters
Lace Cami: Abercrombie
T-shirt sweater: American Eagle
Scarf: Knit by me 
Trench: Coach
Umbrella: Target
I’m looking forward to this weekend!  We’ve been on spring break all week and I’ve been pretty busy with crafts.  I finished a cowl I knit (different from the one pictured above) and sewed a skirt with a 1941 sewing machine my mom gave me.  It will definitely be featured on the blog once I wear it.  Tonight I’m going to a drive in movie at Union Market in DC and then the boyfriend and I will be celebrating another birthday on Saturday.  Today’s goal is to find a new knitting project!

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Fashion Friday: Saturday Brunch

Happy Friday readers and happy spring break for anyone else who has spring break all next week!!  Very excited to do basically nothing though I’ll probably learn some new ukulele songs!  I wore this outfit out to brunch with a good friend the other weekend when it was just starting to feel warm again! It was 80 today!  I’m so excited for the warm weather.  The Cherry Blossoms here in DC are beautiful. I’m going to have to find a lounge chair so I can relax on my roof all next week.  
 Boots: DSW
Dress: Francesca’s 
Jacket: Uniqlo
Necklace: Online, I don’t remember
This dress is definitely pushing it for my usual style.  I’m not really a print person but for some reason last fall I found it and decided it would be a fun addition to the wardrobe.  Sometimes it’s nice to throw on something unexpected.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring Break Recital Project!

Happy Monday readers!  As an elementary beginning band instructor a few of the challenges of my job are Thanksgiving break, winter break, and finally spring break.  These are the long extended times when my students will either leave their instrument at school to collect dust or take it home and forget about it, forget how to play it and finally forget that they joined the band in the first place.  In order to overcome this challenge a mentor teacher of mine introduced me to a Thanksgiving Break Recital project which gave extra credit to students who performed for their families and made their own programs.  After trying this out for the first time last year I have adapted it to use for spring break as well!

I've included some bolded vocabulary terms that I realized some of my students didn't know.  It also gives them plenty of room for creativity as I had some students make posters with pictures of their performances or make their own programs.  If they don't want to go to those lengths this does fold nicely into a program they can use as well.

My hope is that this will encourage them to perform for their families more often and to get used to playing alone.  By this time in spring however they have had plenty of opportunities for solo playing in class as well as at the solo and ensemble festival a dozen of my students participated in this past weekend.  I even discovered that some of my 4th grade teachers have allowed them to play a short song for their peers at the end of the school day!

Hopefully this can help anyone who is also struggling to get their students back into playing after extended breaks.  Does anyone else do something similar?

Have a great week!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Fashion Friday: Faux-Infinity and Beyond

Happy Friday!  It was Thursday morning when I woke up angry at whoever was calling so early on a “Saturday” when I realized that this was a long week.  Not only is Solo and Ensemble Festival tomorrow but we also have a “Cluster Concert” (concert with the elementary schools, middle schools and high school students) next Wednesday, Spring Break in 1 week, Spring Concerts in May, Six Flags trip, 3rd grade recruiting events in June, and finally 6th grade promotion.  The time is flying by and I’m starting to wonder how much longer I’ll actually have my kids this year!  I guess it’s time to go into operation end of year!  

I’m sure I’m not the only one who, with the long awaited arrival of spring, feels like the concert season has caught up with us and so quick!  I also realize that the past few weeks this has seemed more like a fashion blog and not so much about education however I do have some fun posts planned for next week.  I’ve recently purchased a ukulele and I’ve been pretty sidetracked with that.  

So here’s today’s Fashion Friday!  I wore this to church on a recent warm day.  I’m beyond excited to start ditching the tights and wearing skirts again!

Boots: DSW
Dress: Piperlime
Belt: Target
Jacket: Gap
Scarf: Target? American Eagle? 

By now you’re probably wondering why I called this “Faux-Inifinity and Beyond”.  Well, the scarf is actually not an infinity scarf!  I tied it in a knot and put the knot in the back.  Ta Da!  Infinity scarf.  I’d probably iron it next time so that it doesn’t look as bunched up.  

Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Fashion Friday: Olive You

Happy Friday!  Today is an at home grading and planning day for me, which is one of the best things that my school district has to offer.  I'm glad to say that I'm already done with my grades!  4th Quarter here I come!  Lots of things to look forward to this quarter with spring concerts, cluster concerts, Six Flags Trip, Solo and Ensemble Festival, Instrument Circus!  I'm very excited and energized to go into it!  Here's a fun "Is it spring yet?" outfit?
 Boots: DSW
Skirt: Target
Sparkly Belt: Target
Olive Top: Target
Tan Cardigan: J. Crew
Necklace: Forever 21
Watch: Fossil

Hope you all have a great weekend!  I don't have too much planned for this weekend, which is a welcome change.  Anyone else excited to start wrapping up the school year?

Friday, March 21, 2014

Fashion Friday: Southern Sparkle

Finally it’s Friday.  I don’t know about you but this week seemed to be so long even with a snow day on Monday.  I’m really starting to get excited about some of the music I’m playing with my students!  Progress, finally!  This week I moved three of my beginners to my advanced band at one of my schools and the difference it’s making has been really wonderful!  I’m happy to see how the change for students who were just miles ahead of their peers has motivated them to play more challenging music.  It’s also putting some pressure on my older students who haven’t been practicing or playing well to step up their game.  

My goal is to have three different level groups at all of my schools but right now I have 3 levels at one school and 2 at the other.  Just for reference I teach 4th - 6th grade.  Though next year some of my schools will lose their 6th grade so I’m not really sure how that will effect me yet.  

Well, onto fashion friday!  Here’s an outfit I wore to see Green River Ordinance.  They are a great band and have a country / rock sound.  I obviously love to break out the cowboy boots for concerts :-) 
 Boots: Country Store in PA
Jeans: American Eagle
Sequin Shirt: J.Crew
Cardigan: Target
Necklace: Nordstrom Rack
Watch: Fossil
Hair Tie: CVS ;-) 
Have a great weekend!  I’m hoping to start an orchestra (both my advanced band and orchestras will perform together) arrangement of “Happy” if I can find the motivation.  In other news I am learning to play the ukulele to use with my summer camp program!  It’s going pretty well so far.  Over the summer I do general music type activities with children ages 3 - 13 in Alexandria, VA.  It’s a blast.  I’ll definitely be posting about some of what I have planned for that.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Teaching Portfolio: Update

After getting so much views on my Teaching Portfolio post I decided to add another post about some of the other materials I’ve added since.

The first page I added to my portfolio section is a list of Method books that I have studied or used.  In the interview for my current position I was asked to go into detail about which method books I used in college and in my instrument methods courses, which I had no recollection.  So I went back into my college notebooks and attempted to find the syllabi for those courses and see which methods I used.  I also included books that I use with my band and orchestra as well as any other literature that I’ve studied personally.

The next page I added in addition to my resume, cover letter and list of references.  It’s a list of repertoire that I have performed.  I had to make this for my grad school application and decided that it could be useful to have in my portfolio as well.

 I also included two scores of songs I have arranged for my students, “Drummer Boy Samba” for band and “The James Bond Theme” for strings.

Hopefully this will help anyone as this part could be useful as a graduate school admission portfolios as well.  Feel free to leave a comment on anything you think could be used as well!  

Thanks for reading,

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fashion Friday: In like a lion and out like a lamb

Happy Friday!  Here’s a quick fashion friday post for you all before I start the weekend!  This week was pretty uneventful due to state testing.  Very glad to have that behind us now.  I had an observation today by my vice principal, which I think went really well.  She was even trying to help my bass player out.  Good thing that kid has it together and didn’t need much help.  I’m also really glad that all of my students had their instrument and my one student who has a cast on her arm (and plays violin) was able to figure out the metallophone I gave her to use instead.  

I’m looking forward to next week when (hopefully) my students won’t be so confused about the testing schedule.  Anyone else in a similar boat?  

Boots - DSW
Black Jeans - Urban Outfitters
Plaid Shirt - Old Navy
Green Vest - Old Navy
Jean Jacket - Gap
Scarf - Flee Markey
Bag - Michael Kohrs (via Marshalls)

Have a great weekend everyone!  

Monday, March 10, 2014

Teaching Portfolio

*Update - I’ve added another post on some additions to my portfolio!  Check it out HERE*

I've recently found some wonderful pins about professional portfolios and decided that it was time for me to revamp my own.  Hopefully this will be able to help any soon to be college graduates when planning their own!  It's definitely been helpful to have so many pictures to use since I've started the blog.  I recommend taking lots of pictures of your classroom for this reason!

This will be a great way to showcase the work I've done and give evidence to administrators when I'm being observed of the things I do in my class they might not see that day.  It will also be helpful for any future interviews or meetings with principals to have the ability to quickly find photos and documents.

Here is the cover of my portfolio:

I found it at Target and thought it was a fun, inviting pattern.

Inside I designed a cover page that has my phone number, email and includes a photo of myself and students who performed at the solo and ensemble festival last April.

 Next, I included a cover page which is a combination of my cover letter and my teaching philosophy.  It summarizes what I have included in the portfolio and has another photo of myself.

My next section is a snapshot of my classroom management and set-up.  It tells about the different things I am doing in my classrooms to help with behavior and positive reinforcement.
 Following that is a section on differentiation.  I included many ways that I differentiate such as the learning process and class structure, stand partners, my positioning, student interest, visuals, pre and post testing, student ownership and choices, procedure, group making, and karate belts.
 I included a section on recruitment and retention that describes my recruiting process and successes with retention.  I talk about retention both in elementary school but also through to middle and high school.
 The last page of my "classroom" section is on parent communication which talks about my newsletter and information I send home with students.
 Following this section I've included professional certificates, my resume and references, transcripts, praxis scores, lesson plans, evaluations, observations, example of curriculum I've written, awards and programs.  As you can see it's quite full.
 I would still like to include method books that I have both studied and used as well as a repertoire list of pieces that I have performed with my students and performed professionally.  I will also include a score of a piece I arranged.

I also made smaller portfolios in case I need to leave information with anyone or school.  It includes my resume, references, teaching certificate, transcripts, praxis scores and a teaching brochure which summarizes my classroom section, philosophy and cover letter.  It also includes a photo to help put a face to the portfolio.
 I made a few of them…
Hope this helps someone!  What do you do with your professional portfolio?  Is there something I don't include that you do?  I'd love any feedback so feel free to share or leave a comment!